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03.06.2024 01:38:28

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Tanfoglio TA90 Sportpistole 9x19mm aus Nachlass
Artikel-ID: 19523599  •  Kategorie: Grosskaliber Kurzwaffen > Sportpistolen > Tanfoglio

Aktueller Preis 220,00 EUR
inkl. MwSt.

Restzeit beendet
Ende 14.04.2024 18:56:50 MEZ
Gebote 18 ( Gebotsübersicht )
Höchstbieter marthese (1622) 
  Verkäufer HubertiaJagd (484) 
  Artikelstandort 36277 Schenklengsfeld
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Versand & Zahlung
Zustand der Ware: Siehe Beschreibung
Zahlung: Barzahlung, Vorkasse, Überweisung
Versand: Käufer trägt Versandspesen, Internationaler Versand (international shipping)
Versandkosten: 20,00 EUR (Inland)

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Tanfoglio TA 90 Sportpistole im Kaliber 9x19mm (9mm Luger), wenig bis gar nicht benutzt. Zustand wie auf den Fotos zu sehen.

2 Magazine gehören dazu.


The Tanfoglio TA 90 was the shift change for the Italian company. The Tanfoglio company has manufactured pocket pistols for some years, but in the 1980s decided to market a military-style heavy-caliber pistol; like many others, it chose the Czech CZ 75 as their model, though since then several variants have been developed.


The basic pistol of the Tanfoglio range is TA 90, a conventional 9 mm pistol using the Browning ping barrel system of breech locking, controlled by a fixed cam beneath the breech and locking into the slide by two lugs above the chamber. The frame is cast steel, while the slide and barrel are machined from forged steel. All models are supplied in black finish or hard chromed and are also available with frame and slide in stainless steel.
There is a manual safety catch on the slide on the standard models, which locks the firing pin and disconnects the hammer and trigger. The frame-mounted safety catch on the Combat models allows the weapon to be carried cocked and locked. All models are double-action, but there is no provision for de-cocking the hammer on any of them.
The Tanfoglio TA 90is paralleled by the Tanfoglio TA 40, TA 41, TA 10, and TA 45, and the only difference lies in the caliber, which can be deduced from the model numbers. Combat versions of all these models differ only in safety arrangements, as described above.

The Baby Standard models are compact versions of the standard, differing only in dimensions; they have a 90 mm barrel and weigh about 30 oz (850 grams) empty.

The Baby Combat models resemble the Baby Standard but have the Combat safety arrangement. All the Baby models are available in the same range of calibers as the full-sized Standard and Combat models.

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Hubertia Jagd • Landeckerstr 17 • 36277 Schenklengsfeld • Deutschland

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